Welcome to IR3IP hamradio services in Treviso - Italy
Sezione ARI - Treviso
Available services:
APRS server
BBS web access
Access to local DX-Cluster IR3DXC
Local users homepages
Hamradio projects and information
Links to other hamradio servers
Info/Help about www.ir3ip.net
IR3IP services diagram [PDF]
Statistics and old frontpage versions archive
IR3IP News
- Dec 19th, 2019
- ir3ip.net moved to Esseci Computer hosting
Thanks to iz3lsv for the 6 years service!
- Apr 11th, 2013
- ir3ip.net moved to IZ3LSV location
- Jan 17th, 2011
- Fixed user radio port on 144.875 1200bps, on IR3PRO node
- Nov 28th, 2010
- New radio link 1.2Mbps between IR3LSV and S55YST
- May 14th, 2010
- Changed the TCP port to access SSH
- Apr 18th, 2009
- Hardware upgrade to improve performance
- Mar 24th, 2009
- Due to the huge snow quantity Radio link between IR3NOK and S55YST is down. New backup link established, using AX.IP, between IR3PRO and S55YNG: thanks to s56g and s53mv!
- Jan 21st, 2009
- New internet connection with IP
- Dec 6th, 2007
- New 1200bps port at 430.875 via IR3PRO node
- New ir3ip.net statistics
- June 19th, 2006
- General upgrade of all services
- June 5th, 2006
- Improved CHAT network with a new node located in South Africa
- May 4th, 2006
- New internet and radio connectivity
- Sep 9th, 2005
- ir3ip ham technologies used to transmit race events on internet
- Jun 27th, 2005
- The APRS server change callsign to IR3CO
- Jun 27th, 2005
- WAN connection speed was doubled, with a new IP address:
- May 18th, 2005
- Activated 144.800 FM radio for APRS service
SuperVozelj AX.25 radio network


Linux Operating System